ECB the villain of the piece

Duke of Marmalade

Registered User
It is really nauseating me how the main nougat being seized on by the media and opposition politicians is that the ECB bullied Noonan into paying €9bn to bondholders.

For a start this is a quite useful figure to have but for the opposite reason. €9bn is a drop in the ocean compared to the €60bn cost of the bank bail out.

Why did the inquiry not put a cost on bailing out depositors. That is of course the €51bn balance of the bank bail out.

Other interesting figures the inquiry failed to provide are.

We could have saved €80bn if we had followed David McWilliams advice and confiscated 10% of MNC Irish assets.

We could have saved the whole national debt if we had followed the advice of many and defaulted on it.

Heck we could save (?) €4bn a year if we closed down the health service.

The implication of course is that we could have saved that €9bn with little or no collateral damage and we would be in a betterr place today. Given that we are in a much better place today than the burners were predicting that is a little hard to swallow.