Eamon Ryan TD


Registered User
I was appalled to see the minister on a TV interview outside government buildings wipe his nose with his bare hand and then wipe his hand on his anorak or down the leg of his trousers.

Is this why he is known as leader of the Green Party?
No, this is exactly what the television report on Virgin media showed. No tissue or hanky used as was shown clearly on the news film clip.
No, this is exactly what the television report on Virgin media showed. No tissue or hanky used as was shown clearly on the news film clip.

How is this a problem?
Man has runny nose, doesn't have a hanky, wipes nose on hand..perfectly normal human behaviour
This virus exploits perfectly normal human behaviour though, is the problem :(
If he's then wiped his hand on someone else it would have been appalling but people often get a runny nose when cycling in the cold. From a virus transmission point of view wiping his nose in a tissue would also have left his hands covered in whatever viruses he is carrying.
It's not edifying but it's not a hanging offence.
If he's then wiped his hand on someone else it would have been appalling but people often get a runny nose when cycling in the cold. From a virus transmission point of view wiping his nose in a tissue would also have left his hands covered in whatever viruses he is carrying.
It's not edifying but it's not a hanging offence.

This is why it is prudent to carry a tissue and a mini bottle of hand sanitiser in one of the many pockets available in anoraks.
You, me and the bould Bertie are agreed on the usefulness of anoraks, the original of the species when it comes to PPE. And of course the COVID-19 guidleines ask us to avoid touching our faces and the minister's nose is well, as plain as the nose on his face.
But this isn't the past - this is now in the middle of a pandemic where guidelines are clear as a bell (at times when Government pays attention to its medical & scientific advisors). Wash hands frequently, carry hankies or tissues if you need to cough, sneeze or blow your nose, avoid touching your face and sanitise your hands if you must (in the absence of hand-washing facilities). So carry hand-sanitiser and tissues or hankies, ready to use, in your voluminous anorak pockets or your great big luminous yellow or Green jacket. Simplez.
People are getting very paranoid over all these guidelines. Mental health is being entirely ignored and people are dying from late presentations from other causes because of fear. Try not to be overly anxious about the virus. Most people make a full recovery. I'm aware of a multitude of individuals in their 80s who have recovered. The death rate from/with covid needs to be looked at in depth. Many people are dying from other comorbidities but also happen to have had a recent positive swab. I'm not aware that the RTE press conferences have looked at this ? I dont watch them myself. I have an 80 year old relative in hospital at the moment who became ill a week after a positive swab. Some family members were starting to think about funeral arrangements. However she had a clear chest x ray and the reason she was ill was a UTI. Many of those testing positive have little or no symptoms. We all get the sniffles and forgetting a hanky is not something to be ashamed of - in my opinion.
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