E.B.S. ex tracker want to move mortgage


Registered User
Hi all
I am an E.B.S. customer currently on a variable rate. I was taken off the tracker after fixing.I am deemed not impacted by their tracker review.
I want to fix or move my mortgage to another bank to get a better variable rate.
I need advice. Do I sit it it out and wait to see how the tracker investigations of the Central Bank/ Finance committee proceeds with E.B.S .
Or do I just cut my losses and move/Fix.
I hate seeing money going down the drain every month!! its so frustrating being caught in this limbo.
Would i get my tracker back if i moved mortgage/ fixed if in the future the Central Bank found against E.B.S?
Hi ,
We are in exactly the same boat and good Ltv now , but ebs don’t do ltv loans so we are lossing out on the double ( triple if you include the cash bs k offers) very frustrating . If we are redressed then the redress needs to take this into account .
I would wait - I have been looking at better rate options for sometime now but My instinct is to wait -ebs have also been send me options to fixed for a few years at not too bad rates but something in the back of my mind has always said don't do it -- none of what has been going on these past years has felt 'right' .. with people who signed up for mortgages back in the 2000's and then getting totally screwed by crazy unjustifiable variable rates - like we were supposed to pay for the banks mistakes, we were left twisting in the wind and few who could have done something about it did sweeet FA- they looked the other way - and now these same banks are reporting profits???? and ready to be sold WTF - Now is the time to go after your tds and local councilors and make them take notice - I still have a long way to go on my mortgage and am still open to massive abusive by the banks