Dublin Waste Weighed



Has anyone had there bins weighed this morning or does anyone know when this is coming in to effect.
DLR has come up with the clever idea of ignoring the whole pay by weight thing, charging an assumed amount equal (I'm pretty sure) to last years fixed charge and then saying they will adjust *next* year.

They will issue a statemement 4 times during the year, but they won't give you a refund for4 12 months if you are managing to reduce your charges.

DLR has come up with the clever idea of ignoring the whole pay by weight thing, charging an assumed amount equal (I'm pretty sure) to last years fixed charge and then saying they will adjust *next* year.
That's not my understanding at all at all. You are still being asked to pay an upfront charge on your account, similar to the amount you paid last year, but the charges against your account are[broken link removed] (well actually a complex combination of €80 flat fee p.a. plus €4 per bin lift plus 20c per kilo of waste issued.

This seems to be a sensible approach to the cash collection. What's the alternative? A weekly variable amount direct debit (which would end up costing a huge amount in bank charges)?
If they are able to issue statemements every quarter, why can't they collect the money every quarter, based on the *actual* cost like the rest of the utilities ?

The ESB essentially gives me 2 months free credit on the electricity I use at the start of every billing period. They trust me to pay when the bill is due and I pay then. Same goes for eircom and Dublin Gas.

I expect my waste charge based on their new charges (which are as you correctly point out pay-by-weight) to be significantly lower than the amount they have assumed to be my charge.

Why do I have to wait 12 months to get my *enforced* overpayment back ?

The difference between last year and this year is that the basis for assesment has changed entirely. Last year it made sense to pay up front for the service, but this year the charge is only going to occur when I use the service. If I am away for a month or two during the year and won't be using the service why should I have to pay as much as I paid last year ? The ESB don't make me do this, eircom don't make me do this and Dublin Gas don't make me do this. It would be different if for some complicated reason they couldn't add it all up until the end of the year, but they will be telling me in April how much they have overcharged me, then they will remind me in July how much more they have over charged me and so on . . .

I think (guessing here) that this is simply a cashflow effort on their part.

I'd have thought that it is not so much a cashflow issue as a workload issue. Would collecting in arrears require a pile of investment in new systems, and credit control teams etc?
The entire system is new, so it's not really a valid argument.

They already have the credit control teams in place for the fixed charges anyway.


One thing that bugs me about all this is that :
Vat rate is the same all over the country ..............as is
prsi,tax, road tax - why not the bin charges?

it annoys me even more than the services offered are not the same. Highlighted here before, but in Cork City, if you are recycling grass, timber, metal, soil/rubble its a tenner per car load. When I last checked the Dublin City waste web pages, that was free in Dublin.
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Hi Legend - Not anymore!

Local authority = local democracy. If the costs of providing the service varies from county to county, why shouldn't the charges vary too? Do you expect parking fees, library fees, swimming pool fees and all other local authority items to be the same right across the country too?

why shouldn't the charges vary too? Do you expect parking fees, library fees, swimming pool fees and all other local authority items to be the same right across the country too?

Yes I Do.

It's a small country, such services might be more cost effective if we started looking at things on a national basis. As a country we're about the size of a city in the UK.

The level of devolvement and the number of representatives we have is absolutely nuts.

Re: Yes

such services might be more cost effective if we started looking at things on a national basis
Or they might be less cost effective. Less effective councils would have no incentive to keep their costs low. What's the bets that the national costs would be set at the level of the highest existing local authority?

The services available in Dublin, according to that site rainy, are about 4 steps above that in Cork.
We've had this argument before. If waste is such a huge serious issue that it should become a central government issue. According to all the reports you read we are basically snookered with our waste. In really serious trouble. Anything that has such far reaching consequences should be in the hands of our national government setting a national policy.
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Anything that has such far reaching consequences should be in the hands of our national government setting a national policy.
National policy is set by the Dept of Environment.

Sorry, are you trying to tell me that national Waste policy is set by Environment when everyone has different charges, period of collections, services offered.
The policy about who collects what, when they do it and how much it is to cost is not set by the Dept. It is set by the councils and is a farce at this stage.
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who collects what, when they do it and how much it is to cost
That's not the policy. That is the execution of the policy. The policy is set by the Dept - the local tactics to execute that policy are set locally.