Dual authorized debit card ?


New Member
Hi. I'm involved in a club and our Constitution requires that 2 persons must authorize payments . Previously we had a credit union debit card with which a text message could be sent to person A and email to person B thus satisfying the constitution. Recently the credit union did away with debit cards for clubs so my question is whether such a similar product is available in Ireland with any institution ?
Thank you .
We set up a small charity last year and we had 2 signatures (min) on all bank transactions out , spending, we then got Internet banking and we had to change it to one authorised signature.

We overcame this by writing a policy on card usage and who was the authorised card holder.

I'm unaware of any electronic 2 authorisation cards?
Thanks Paul for your reply. I hoped better news but it seems we also must create a policy on usage of debit cards .