Driving Test re-sit


Registered User
Does anyone know if you have to re-sit your driving test do you go to the bottom of the list before you get another test (ie. waiting approx 1 year) or are you facilitated sooner, given that you have already spent an age waiting.
as far as I know you have to apply again and you get put on the list same as everyone else. what I did was on the section of the form where it says put any other information (twas a couple of years ago now so can't remenber exactly) write down that you would be willing to accept a cancellation at short notice. I did this and had my test in about a month. As I said that was a couple of years ago so they might have changed things since, or maybe I was just plain lucky

hope this helps

Edit:that was my first time doing the test, not a retest
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i sent in a letter from my job to say that i needed the full licence for the job and I had the test 11 days later.
Thanks for the replies. It seems ridiculous that the only way to get a test quickly is to say you need it for work as there are plenty of other situations where you might need a test without waiting a full year. The test isn't for me (thankfully I already have my license) and the person who wants it won't be able to get a letter from an employer. Which seems to leaves the only option of preparing a fake letter if you want the test in any sort of a reasonable amount of time.