Drink driving permit in Kerry

This story is being reported on BBC, Guardian, RT, Euronews, and Canadian, US and Australian websites.

What a laughing stock Kerry County Council have made of themselves and the country.

We could be onto a winner....sure they'll all want to come to the Emerald Isle now that we have real-life leprechauns
In fairness to Kerry County Council the Mayor of Kerry Terry O'Brien ( a wheel chair user) spoke very coherently on Morning Ireland against this proposal.
In fairness to Kerry County Council the Mayor of Kerry Terry O'Brien ( a wheel chair user) spoke very coherently on Morning Ireland against this proposal.

But did he vote against it? I can't see how anyone could actually abstain on this matter, apparently 7 did and 12 didn't show up.

Not really sure what his (dis)ability has to do with the matter but I didn't hear the piece.
The councillor making this proposal is, AFAIK, a publican. The cost for him trialling 'a free TK red lemonade for designated driver' is low. The reputational damage to him personally, and Kerry County Council, from flying this kite is material.

He is a publican, the free drink for designated drivers has long been used, but I would doubt it would have an impact on the patrons in question.
Think they've been taking lessons from Michael O'Leary, get yourself into the papers & get lots of publicity on the back of any ridiculous rubbish you like.
Kerry and it's ilk are welcome to the likes of the Healy Raes. Despicable carry on. And not one bit funny.