Downgrade price plan with O2/3


Registered User
I hope someone can help me.
I am midway through a 24 month contract with O2/3 costing €55pcm. I received an email about a special deal they were offering to people working in a certain sector that seemed like excellent value at €29pcm. It would have involved extending my contract but I was ok with that. Before trying to avail of this deal, I checked via chat support to see if I was eligible to downgrade my tariff. I was told yes as I was halfway there. However, when I followed up with the agent who had issued the email, I was told no. Not possible to downgrade. I sent her screenshots of the chat I had had with the support agent but was told there was nothing she could do for now. Try again in January! Meanwhile, I contacted chat support again, who analysed my usage and suggested a downgrade to a €35pcm tariff with no change to contract. Which I completed there and then via text.
Am I missing something? Or why would they not give me a downgrade that tied me in for an extra 6 months, albeit at a cheaper monthly cost, but that was because it was a 'special' deal...?
Thanks in advance!