Douglas V Carrigaline



Hi just to say my sister lives in Chestnut Grove in Bridgemount in Carrigaline - loves it - great neighbours, safe green for kids ,brill schools,close to shops etc, lots of child minders around here. Alot planned for carrigaline as well over next few years
Pinkstars - there is a gorgeous house for sale in her park -auctioneer kieran mcnamee - I myself bought in douglas last year and am sorry didn't wait for this house !! It's definately worth a look anyway, best of luck to you.
Hi Believe.

I'm actually living in Carrigaline! I dunno can't seem to settle there, so might try in the next year or two to move to Douglas. Will see what happens, money permitting!
from previous posts, havent you just got an affordable house?? I'm not sure what implications there would be if you moved so early after getting it. It's only 7 mins from douglas (non rush hour).