Donating body to science

I heard stories like that before. It's disrespectful of course but not entirely surprising. I'd hate to think that the corpse of anyone close to me would be subject to such ridicule and would definitely discourage any attempt to make such a gesture to society.
When I met up with an old school friend who had done 1 year's dentistry training in TCD, he asked me 'were you one of the ones I brought in to mess with the dead bodies?'. I wasn't, as it happened.

That is rather horrifying.
Bodies for use for training purposes for medical/dentistry students were generally preserved in formaldahyde, so quite aside from the dis-respect, that would seem like a remarkably stupid thing to do.(ie the students would get covered with formaldehyde, as well as touching the dead bodies, which is a whole other aspect of horribleness.)
