Domiciliary Carer Payment when working


New Member

Can anyone tell me if they have continued to receive the DCA payment for a child while worming or participating on a Community Employment CE scheme??

I can't get a straight answer even though I have rang the DCA area of DSP.


Can anyone tell me if they have continued to receive the DCA payment for a child while worming or participating on a Community Employment CE scheme??

I can't get a straight answer even though I have rang the DCA area of DSP.

Yes and you are entitled to your carers support grant (was called respite care allowance) which I think is payed out June each year.(1850 eueo)
You should automatically receive if getting DCA.
Hi all thanks for your responses.
I was looking into a CE scheme but they won't accept me because I'm getting the DCA. I might look at part time work instead. I'm coming out from a serious illness so just wanted to ease back onto work and training through the CE scheme.
Yes and you are entitled to your carers support grant (was called respite care allowance) which I think is payed out June each year.(1850 eueo)
You should automatically receive if getting DCA.
Hi I'm caring for mam for 5 years now and only got carers awarded ro me this week but applied in July and only processed this week can I apply now for the carers grant for this year or do I have to be after getting carers for 6months any ans would be appreciated thanks

The scheme regulations suggest that to get the Carer’s Support Grant, you must:

  • Care for the person full time for a continuous period of at least six months and this must include the first Thursday in June of the year you are claiming for.
So, as you applied for the carers allowance only in July you won't get the 2023 grant automatically.

But if you believe that you meet all of the the eligibility conditions for the grant then you should definitely apply for it.

The Application Form is at this link:-

Remember that if you are refused the grant then you have the right to appeal - but the deadline for sending in an appeal is tight, so be sure to send it in quickly. (it's probably worth while asking your local Citizens Information office to help you to word your appeal.)