Dole versus money received on insurance


Registered User
Hi All,

Apologies upfront, searched the threads couldnt find what I'm looking for.

Do the dole and the money that you take against the money received on insurance same?

I have really vague idea, but this evening when talking to a collegue of mine, he told me that my certain % of my salary goes into the insurance [I'm not talking about Paye], can anyone share more light?

apologies for being really dumb on this.

Eileen, thanks for the reply!

Apologies I too have no clue about the second one. Let me put it this way:

Say if I loose my job, and I go to the Social Security office, get some money [150 euro or whatever] is this called Dole? Or will I be asked that I have some kinda insurance until next 6 months, and still if am outta job, I'm eligible for this.

Sorry for being really vague.