Dog Warden

have you tried looking in the lost animals section of any of the papers or shelters. you might have better look finding the owners yourself.

Yes I have. I contacted a person on a website that had a lost dog pic up who was very similiar - but no luck.
Sorry to hear you are no further from having the problem of the dog resolved. Perhaps you should try posting here and see if anyone can offer you any other advice or help...

[broken link removed] You will need to register first to post. It is awful for you all and the poor mutt too.
Well, I promised Id give an update on this:

After a particularly loud and prolonged barking, chasing, growling session one evening a number of neighbours came together and decided to take matters into our own hands.

We managed to contact someone who had a capture cage that they were willing to lend us.
We also contacted a vet for advice on sedation.

We all agreed that when the weekend came and we were all off work we'd make a serious effort to catch the dog somehow and take him to a shelter.

We have not seen him since.
He was last sighted in the area 9 days ago. Previously he never disappeared for more than a day or two at a time. He has not appeared on the Dog Wardens 'stray dogs picked up' page of the website.

No one knows what became of him.
Well I hope he doesn't come back again to haunt you. A bit unsatisfactory, I'm sure you'd like to be sure he won't be coming back again. Horrifying, not to be able to leave your own homes in safety. But fingers crossed for you that the dog will stay away. Maybe the dog warden didn't bother his barney to put a photo up, since no-one was looking for him the whole time this was going on.
If its the same dog that I'm thinking of, he was wandering around Hunterswood yesterday morning. A really thin, greyhoundy looking dog dappled black and white?
If its the same dog that I'm thinking of, he was wandering around Hunterswood yesterday morning. A really thin, greyhoundy looking dog dappled black and white?

hiya liaconn, no thats not him, thats another stray that is living in the fields opposite Dalriada, numerous attempts have been made to catch him over the past 2 years to no avail, he wont come near people. People have even camped out overnight in the fields trying to catch him. The dog warden was informed about him 2 years ago and has failed to catch him.
I have not heard anything bad about that dog, he doesnt seem to go near people or other dogs.
Our missing stray was a soft coat wheaten terrier type and he was dog aggressive and territorial, the lurcher you saw seems to be neither.
Thanks for that, Truthseeker. I had always got the impression he was terrified of people but was afraid I was wrong and, as I'm nervous around dogs anyway, I wanted to be sure he wasn't dangerous. I really hope the problem with the other dog is sorted.

He is nothing to be afraid of, if you consider people have actually camped out trying to catch him and still werent able to get near enough - he may hang around people (at a distance) hoping someone will throw a bit of grub but thats about it.

The other dog is gone, he has not been seen in over 2 weeks now - dont know what became of him.