Dog poop in my garden. Every day.

If you already have to collect it, try using his letter box as the rubbish bin. He might decide that it's not particularly pleasant to have to deal with fresh dog turds.
Well, to train a dog not to poop in the 'wrong' space one is supposed to stick it's nose in the poop. How about gathering a few friends together to do same to owner?
You can buy dog (and cat) repellants from most pets shops and diy stores, we use one called Get Off on our front lawn which was being used by various dogs and haven't had any problems since.It's a green jelly-like substance that has a strong scent animals hate. We also use it in our back garden to train our own dog to poo only in a certain area.

I wholeheartedly agree with delivering the parcels back to the dog owner's lawn if he fails to control his dog. I suppose we are lucky that our own dog will not do her business outside of the garden, even out on a walk she holds it in until she gets home!
Dog Using Garden as Loo!

This is one of those things that sound silly but in reality could drive you mad. I know of two scenarios, firstly, two neighbours fell out so badly over the same thing, that one got a video camera. Shows up on the video camera second neighbour walking up the path and depositing dog poo on the first neighbours driveway. Said neighbour puts the video on youtube.

Another set of people I know actually deposited the dog dirt through the letterbox and one of the adults came down the stairs and skidded on it.

I would not get into it with the dog warden, lying and all that, as I think they have enough to do.

The guy should accept that it is his dogs once he sees the photographic evidence. Banker will have to do the stake out and catch the pooches mid flight and present the evidence.
This is a selfish, inconsiderate neighbour. I am sure that his dogs are let out early to do a dump anywhere but on his property. It doesn't matter to him that children might be playing on the green. It doesn't matter to him that the barking dogs are waking up some neighbours that keep different hours to him.
I know what I would want to do but unfortunately this would have repercussions for me and my family and might lead to some sort of feuding. However if I could get away with what I had in mind then I would.
I definitely would approach the local dog warden for advice initially. Are your other neighbours suffering also? There can be strength in numbers when dealing with a situation like this.
We have gates on our front garden. However we often get dumps just outside the gate on the footpath. It is just as disgusting cleaning this up. Who needs to be cleaning up after inconsiderate people.
Another large deposit this morning but I didnt get the culprit on camera. Once I get that I will then proceed with the actions outlined above.

If you already have to collect it, try using his letter box as the rubbish bin. He might decide that it's not particularly pleasant to have to deal with fresh dog turds.

If you get the photograph or video, bring it over to him with the offending turds. I wouldn't do a letterbox job - the porch should be enough.

For the dog warden, you don't need to catch the dogs pooping. Dogs should not be out uncontrolled (off a lead), so just report the loose dogs anyway.
Put water in clear 2 litre plastic bottles it definately works in m estate we have about 12 dogs and beacuse of this trick we never have any mess in our garden i think they see the reflection of themselves but think it is another dog
I'm inclined to go with what a few posters suggested, collect the poops and offload them back in his garden. If the dogs are his property then the poops should be too! Maybe the message would get through then.
I had the same problem about 2 years. I started using a power hose on the dog when he entered the garden, that didnt work. In fact I think he actually liked it. Then I took out the air gun.

Small lead pellets but about 5 raps from that over the period of a week and that was the end of...
That's horrible - it's not the dog's fault at all. If you were aiming your water/pellets at the owner, I'd understand.

Wow what a hero you are! - probably should have just grown a set and spoke to the owner!
Your absolutely right. It was a bit cowardly i admit. However it did get the job done.
Since it sounds like the dogs don't like to poo in their own back yard, I'd go with the approach of scooping the poo back into their driveway, but make sure the dogs see you doing this (and try do it asap after they poo) - they might get the message after a while. Don't bag it & try not to let the owner see you.
Had a similar problem myself as we have an open front garden, two of the dogs on our row would continously come down and offload in our garden. Someone I know recommended Jif Lemon Juice, I bought a couple of the Lidl one it was about 30cent a bottle, sprayed it all over the garden and thankfully have not had any dog fouling around our garden since. I respray about once a month, worth a try before falling out with neighbours, although I understand your frustration.
You could possibly scare them off your own patch by leaving down a treat covered in tobacco. This will make the dogs sick but will not do any harm to them. It should help turn them off your patch as they will associate it with feeling unwell.
I am amazed by the reaction of some people. A poster gave the dog a little fright with a pellet gun and many others find it offensive. I doubt it hurt any more than a nick from another dog.

But a human picking up excrement and walking around with it is perfectly acceptable?
I'm thinking the scene in Me Myself and Irene where Jim Carey finally cracks and takes a poo in the neighbours toilet. Classic!

Some posters here sound like the kind of people I'm so happy that they dont live in my neighbourhood. Suggesting putting it thru the letterbox, or back in his yard, report them as missing etc. is only going to escalate things. You have to live alongside these people so you need an amicable compromise if at all possible.

Here's what I would do. I would approach the neighbour again having rehearsed exactly what I intend to say. The following points need to be made: you are very unhappy that dogs keep pooing in your garden; there are no other dogs in the neighbourhood so it seems likely it is his dogs; if he wont accept that it could be/is his dogs then you'll be forced to get a photo of them doing it which seems a bit petty; ask him what he will do if you get photo evidence. I would also try and deomnstrate to them that you are reasonably by saying that you're not a dog lover, but that you accept that they'll bark when let out in the morning at 7am or whatever. There's nothing you can do about it, so dont make it part of the issue. Besides, it is the only thing you can do when you have dogs.

If the neighbour refuses to budge, then get the photo. Show it to him. At that stage you tell him that you'll have to report it to the autorities if he does not stop it happening. Try to keep calm, and display that you are reasonable, that you're only doing this because you are really upset that it continues to happen, and that you have no alternative but to adopt this approach unless he does something about it.