Does this sound like the U.S. to you?

Re.Wrong side won

I can only agree 100% with you Zeus.
I can't stand moral superiority, we are none of us in a position to throw the first stone.
our allies ?

True, we hide behind the British and Americans when it suits us ( WW2, Cold war etc ) , and beg off them when it suits us ( EC aid, American-Irish fund etc ) , and ask them to take in our unemployed when it suits us ( Morrisson visas etc) .... but then we criticise them and stab them in the back ?
Re: our allies ?

but then we criticise them and stab them in the back ?

So people shouldn't criticise what they see as immoral or just plain stupid? We should all just accept everything that goes on no matter what if it's one of our allies!!!!!!! :\

Thankfully, people are able to think for themselves.
Atrolling we will go


Fair enough, let's criticise, but in the interests of balance, I challenge you to say 3 nice things about the US (and no caveats or counterbalancing negatives).
Re: Atrolling we will go

I could easily give you more than three things I like about the US.

From a personal standpoint here's three:

The NBA. It's the best game in the world in my opinion.
My American relatives.
The beautiful midwest.

I fail to see how me making some remarks about stuff I like about the US makes any odds to the debate mind you.
Just checking

Good answer Piggy. I think it is now over to the Trolls to admit that the US has made some grave errors of judgement, to put it mildly, and especially under the Bush regime.
Re: Just checking

Interestingly, my American relatives despise Bush now for what's he's done in Iraq...and they voted for him!!

That's not why I like them so much mind you.

I bet you like them because they sent you sweeties and comic books every Christmas. You have learnt you politices from odd tit bits of propoganda , and I would suggest you need to get out in to the world a lot more.
If you did you would not be so anti-American / pro-Bin Laden in you reasoning.

I am ashamed to be of the same nationality as you.
Re: Piggy

While I'd love to debate meaningless drivel with you all day I think I'll save myself for people with some intelligent comments to make.

I realise of course that that's beyond you which is why you attack me with this nonsense every time I point something out...even if it's in a different post.

The truth always hurts. You, piggy, according to the sources you selectively quote from, seem to spend most your time reading or listening to bits of anti-west propoganda. You spend the rest of the time sniping at those who advocate freedom, liberty, free enterprise and justice. Does Bin Laden or some other muslim organisation pay you for all this ( I am not joking ) ?
Re: Iraq

Yeah...that's it Seamus. I'm on the payroll :rolleyes

Run along and play now.

While I disagree with much of what piggy says and th conclusions he draws he does usually back up what he says with some facts or third party opinion. He may well be looking for information that backs up his particular views but your mindless criticism of the person rather than the points that person makes does nothing to further the discussion or inform the reader.
It would appear that some moderators don't like this section and while I read many other sections on AAM I do most of my posting on this one (due to a lack of knowledge on financial matters). To be honest I am beginning to see why those moderators feel that way. Many of the threads started here go nowhere and quickly descend into a slagging match.

You are entitled to your opinions but please keep it civil.