Does the MEAS organisation have any statutory standing?


Registered User
I was reading this article [broken link removed], where MEAS has upheld a complaint made by Diageo against another brewing company, InBev, about the promotion of irresponsible drinking.

But, both Diageo and InBev are both members of [broken link removed]. :confused:

There's a comment here which seems to indicate that this organisation has some sort of power to actually do something about such complaints.

The panel also felt there should have been a limitation in the terms and conditions of the promotion on the number of Tokens to be given to a customer per drinking occasion

This seems to me to be just a facade presented by the drinks industry regarding excessive drinking. And the press release behind this story seems disingenuous with regards to the parties involved, and the interests behind the organisations behind MEAS.
It's a bit like the Advertising Standards Authority

It's a voluntary code and their decisions seem to have only moral authority.

I don't think that it's just a facade. It's self-regulation which is better than no regulation.
