does the civil service have to agree new pay deal before TD's stand up and take a hit


Registered User
Why are the TD's so slow to step forward and take their well deserved pay cut and would this not have a profuond effect on the NEW croke park agreement?
But sure no-one has suffered more than <insert name of special interest group here> !
I'm not in any way defending their pay rates, but I wonder how many pay cuts do they need to take before people stop complaining.

It's completely unrealistic in my opinion to expect TD's to work for "average industrial wage"/"minimum wage"/"dole rates" etc.

They have taken 2 (or is it 3) pay cuts in the last couple of years, so at waht point, if ever will the focus on their pay diminish?
when they are paid a more proportionate rate to TD's in other countries with far bigger population ratios, ala the uk. We are governed by people who are ripping off their own. It's an absolute disgrace that the taosigh is the 3rd best paid in Europe, for what?

A leader gives direction but I have seen no direction from Enda.
Fully agree that TDs and civil servants (of all levels) should take a cut.

All Irish taxpayers are equal but incumbent civil servants and TDs are more equal than others
Jeez people - what have the civil servants done to annoy ye ?

There's only relatively few of them in the greater scheme of things !
Fully agree that TDs and civil servants (of all levels) should take a cut.

All Irish taxpayers are equal but incumbent civil servants and TDs are more equal than others

NEWSFLASH Celebastic, the civil servants of all levels have already taken cuts. Please live in the real world. Your post is one of those useless posts that next might be suggesting that people with surnames beginning with the letter "O" should be taking pay cuts.
Fully agree that TDs and civil servants (of all levels) should take yet another cut, i.e. a third pay cut within 3 years

Fixed that for ya - just in case you weren't clear that civil servants have already taken 2 pay cuts (and before anyone argues that the pension levy is not a cut, note that it applies irrespective of an entitlement to a CS pension or not and is in addition to pension contributions already deducted from salary).
Fully agree that TDs and civil servants (of all levels) should take a cut.

All Irish taxpayers are equal but incumbent civil servants and TDs are more equal than others

Another well thought out, very informed post about civil servants. I thought we had moved on from this type of rubbishy knee jerk stuff.
Fully agree that TDs and civil servants (of all levels) should take a cut.

All Irish taxpayers are equal but incumbent civil servants and TDs are more equal than others

If all taxpayers are equal, then the obvious solution is a tax increase that affects all taxpayers equally - right?