Does anyone not drink?


Registered User
I was thinking about this the other day and I only know one person who doesn't drink alcohol. I know there are other, older generation people who don't "touch a drop" because they've found out that it doesn't suit them, but of my generation, i.e. anyone under 45, I only know this one guy. He never liked the taste of it and just never bothered.

Is anyone else like that?

Personally I drink very little, maybe 2 or 3 glasses of wine in a month, and usually drive to the pub and abstain - can't be dealing with the hangovers!
I drink in moderation - apparently it's healthier than being teetotal. I suppose I should continue then for the sake of my health.

I only really know one person who doesn't drink - and if his health deteriorates he has only himself to blame

Not entirely sure if he has particular reasons for not drinking - I'm just so used to the fact that he doesn't drink. He did drink about 15-20 years ago but I suspect that it was mostly peer pressure and that he never really enjoyed it that much.
While I drink, my wife doesn't drink nor does any of her family as well. Also with her sisters and brothers none of their in-laws drink either. I believe the weddings were very sober affairs. I can imagine the next family occasion I will be unique at it.
Actually it's Staropramen these days since the local Centra has been selling 3 bottles for a fiver and they have it on draught in Dalyer!
So, how much do the drinkers really drink on a weekly basis?

Be honest.
From January, one drink will put most people over the legal limit for driving. That should put a lot of people off it, or a lot of people into taxis.
I knew I'd be asked to back it up!
It was on the news and in the papers and Newstalk were all over it about a month or two ago. I can't remember what the source was though.
I'm not going to argue though - i don't think you need to be told how much you can/cannot drink. We all know that a pint isnt going to kill you and we all know that 8 pints a night is not good for you.
Depends on the alcohol content!

Yeah - but just Bud in my case - 4.8% or something?

Come to think of it, a 500ml can is less than a 568ml pint so I can reduce my unit intake a little. (about 28.5 then)
From January, one drink will put most people over the legal limit for driving. That should put a lot of people off it, or a lot of people into taxis.

If they're living in an area that has a taxi service.

In my area, there's 6 pubs, one taxi and a whole lot of wives doing a lot more late-night driving than they'd like to be!
General rule is that a pint of beer is 2 units, a glass of wine (a standard wine glass) and a shot of shorts is 1 unit.
Can of MacArdle's is 4%. Lidl sell one beer that's 8.6% as far as I know. Some ciders may be even stronger. These rules of thumb are very inaccurate as are those that say "x drinks and you'll be OK for driving".