Does 10% limit for Company loan apply to each director?


Registered User
I understand Company law prohibits the granting of a loan to a director, with an exemption if the loan is below 10% of the company assets.
Does this apply per director i.e. 2 directors, 20% limit?

Taken from Companies Act 1990

—(1) Section 31 shall not prohibit a company from entering into an arrangement with a director or a person connected with a director if—

a) the value of the arrangement, and

b) the total amount outstanding under any other arrangements entered into by the company with any director of the company, or any person connected with a director,

together, is less than ten per cent of the company's relevant assets.

So the 10% is a total amount of all directors balances and balances of those people who are connected with the directors

Kind regards
