do i need an architect?



Hi there - we're planning a fairly major renovation job - all interior walls skimmed, floorboards sanded, doors replaced, new kitchen, bathroom installed etc. We're also planning a 'small' extension - ie under planning permission guidelines - basically we just want to extend the kitchen and incorporate a downstairs loo and utility room. There will be no other interior changes. Do we need an architect for this? Also - is there a handy guide anywhere (even on this site) for how best way to interview builders/ evaluate quotes? We have one quote already and will be phoning around next week for a few more - we also have a very detailed survey obtained prior to buying the house.

You are not oblidged by anybody to employ an architect for such a job.

As your post covers quite a no. of issues it might be worth your while to quickly read back over the threads throughout this forum and choose the relevant ones. There are a few with recommendations for builders for example.

This thread might give you some help also

Best of luck with the building

Thanks, I've had a look through them.