do guys always buy the engagement ring?

I agree with Vanilla that the man should pay for it fully. Sure, herself won't have any money once she gets married, leaves work, and stays at home to make dinner and babies for himself. Isn't that what happens once she agrees to 'give herself' to him for the rest of her life. That's the way it works these days, isn't it ? Oh, no hang on a sec we've living in the future now, not the past.

I agree with the recent post - the net cash assets of the couple will be reduced by the value of the ring once it is bought, so whether he buys it, she buys it or it comes out of their joint account if they have one makes no net difference to their cash position.

I agree with soy. If your setting up for life together, it's not really a case of one person in particular paying for anything, it's all one big melting pot - I do mean that in a nice way!! It's a nice, comfortable and secure way of living when you know it's all the one in the end.

Myself and my boyfriend got engaged last week and I was thinking of heading north to get the ring, could you recommend some jewellers to check out, we are thinking of heading to belfast.
Hi Sam79,
I can't give much advice..cause we didn't get as far as Belfast...left Dublin too late and just ended up in Newry instead..
We arrived there late afternoon-and went to 2 jewellers...can't remem the name of the first..but the second was Jack Murphy-had seen the name mentioned in a post somewhere as being was near closing time and there was a 20% off sale ending that day, the euro was worth 85p....I had fair idea what I wanted- saw it in the window and tried it was d colour and IF- think that sold me!..I didn't expect to be able to get d colour for our budget..all the rings I'd tried on in Dublin were f or g colour...I don't know how much it all matters in the end anyways!...however,we made the decision in 10 mins...(a bit surreal as I 'd popped into a jewellers in Dublin about 3-4 times to try on one ring I had my eye on...).
Thing is the ring is lovely, good value definitely...and the other jeweller in Newry where I tried on a similar ring- a solitaire -came back to me with a quote almost double what I paid -for the same ring with a g colour vs1...(this was to make up the ring in the setting I wanted)
So I don't really know about Belfast...sorry for being long-winded-I would have liked to see what Belfast had to offer too...but I would say Jack Murphy is worth checking out...
If you're in Dublin incidentely, we found Brertons on O'Connell st the best value and probably would have bought from there if buying in Dublin..hope that helps in some little way!