Do first time buyers pay stamp duty on a secondhand home?


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Hi there

Just wondering if first time buyers have to pay stamp duty on a secondhand home??

Stamp duty rates for first-time buyers

Stamp duty rates for first-time buyers who are owner-occupiers of second-hand residential property were changed significantly in Budget 2005. The change affects any legal instruments (e.g. the deed of conveyance or transfer or lease giving effect to the contract) relating to a first-time buyer buying a residential property on or after 2nd December, 2004. The exemption rate was increased to 317,500 euro, meaning first-time buyers who are owner-occupiers of second-hand residential property do not pay stamp duty on homes up to that value. The same buyers can avail of reduced rates on properties up to a value of 635,000 euro. These rate structures also apply to new properties with a floor area of more than 125 sq. metres.

Full details of rates etc:-