dividends and electronic shareholding of shares



I have some shares in deutsche telekom and these are held in a nominee account by the stockbroker. I receive no information e.g. annual report etc etc. I presumed that the company do not pay a dividend but i see where the actually do pay a small dividend. However i think the stockbroker collects that as they claim that this is smaller than there annual fee.
I find this strange as had i known of the dividend i would have made a return to the taxman (to pay any extra tax on the dividend)
Is this normal for nominee accounts and di have i any right to demand paper shares and get all dividends and correspondence?
thank you
As far as I recall Brendan had exactly the same problem with DT or some other German shareholding held in electronic form and not receiving annual reports, dividends etc. Even if the dividend is being grabbed by the stockbroker you are still liable for any outstanding tax returns/filings/payments on these.