Disturbing trend with loan refusals


Registered User
Anybody else noticed a trend with loan refusals in different banks?

Basically its happened to me three times in the last few months that I've applied for a loan/credit, was refused, but nobody in the company bothered to tell me this, so it tooks several weeks of talking to whatever monkeys answer the phone to painfully extract this information?

Is it just me, or are the banks just binning failed applications without even bothering to contact the applicant? In the second case I did get a refusal in writing, but only after I'd phone them to find out what was happening. (It was a bank who I'd banked with for years, so I retaliated by closing all my accounts).
better check your credit record unless you already have a large amount of debt outstanding.
I did and it turned out that BOI had failed to update a loan from 3 years ago, so it looked like it was never repaid. I had this fixed.

However thats not the problem. The problem is that where I have been turned down, the banks didn't bother contacting me to let me know.

I'm wondering do other people who've been turned down find banks etc slow to inform them if they were informed at all?