Distinguishing multiple standing orders to an EBS or CU a/c



Where you have a club or group of people using an EBS or CU account for saving via standing order donations, is there any way of distinguishing on the passbook (or via online banking with EBS) the source of each transaction in the book, i.e. whose standing order is it? When I look at s.o. transactions in my EBS passbook today, it does not show anything about the source of the transaction.
Re: Distinguishing multiple standing orders to an EBS or CU

I have a BoI form here which includes loads of fields and no description for them, but I am pretty sure that the one called "Beneficiary A/C Designation" is the text that appears on the statement for the account receiving the money.

There is a field called "Payment Account Ref No." which I think is the text appearing on the sending account statement.
