disability benefit and giving in notice


Registered User
hi all,

just a quick question i have been recieving db for 17 months now and dont think i will be able to return to work soon, i'm wondering if i handed in my notice to work (they r hasseling me over my return as they need to sort out my position in the company) will i still get disability benefit or what would i recieve if anything?

hope someone can help

thank you
Is it actually Disability Benefit or one of the other disability/illness related benefits or allowances listed here? That page should clarify the qualification criteria for the various payments so you can check how resigning might affect your situation. It may also help to contact your local Citizens Information Centre for information/advice.
Disability Benefit was changed to Illness Benefit earlier this year but the qualifying conditions remain the same.

You don't have to have a job to get this. It's paid as long as you have enough PRSI contributions and remain unfit for work. It is paid up to the age of 66.

Have a look here http://www.welfare.ie/publications/sw119.html

If you think your illness is permanent you might consider applying for Invalidity Pension http://www.welfare.ie/publications/sw44.html

Hope this helps
You can give your notice without predjuice to your current claim for disability benefit. The only problem that could arise is if you were declared fit to return to work within 9 weeks of giving notice, this could then affect your entitlement to Unemployment benefit as you would be deemed to have left your job voluntarily. Once the 9 weeks have passed this is no longer relevant.
hi all, thanks for ur replies, i have decided to hand in my notice after christmas when should i tell the SW, my gp says i would need at least 3/6more months off (suffer severe panic/anxiety attacks and depression) i am attending counselling and my last session with my counsellor is in march and then they will assess me again. after this period i hope to look for some pt work to ease back in to it as it will be 2 yrs in march since i first went on disability benefit, i was 5 months pregnant at the time so i had my maternity leave in between,
As far as I know you should contact your SW office once you are no longer employed.
If claiming DB there is no legal requirement to nofity the SW office if you cease to be employed as this does not affect your entitlement to DB.