disability allowance


Registered User
hi folks hope you can help. my dad unemployed for over a year is now 60 he has diabettes the last 4 years but now hes is very tired sleeping alot he is now on JA im wondering should he apply for disablilty in my opinion he wouldnt be able to work always tired and getting dizzy spells. my mam was a sahm all her life and she now as very bad artrithis should she apply for disablity too or can she, she wouldnt have any stamps. they have no other source of income or savings
If your father has been working up to recently, he may be eligible for Illness Benefit (where he sends in medical certs each week), and Invalidity Pension based on his PRSI record - SW will carry out a medical assessment to see if he qualifies.

If he didn't have the correct PRSI record, he could apply for Disability Allowance, again a medical assessment (and a means-test) would be carried out.

You can get more information on both schemes here:
