Director + self-employed, low income, what rate to use for Pay & File?

Andrew Duffy

Registered User
I am an employed director of my own company and pay-as-I-earn on my income from that, and am also registered as self-employed for a small amounts of consultancy. For 2009 the sum of these incomes will be well below my standard rate cutoff point; however this cutoff is entirely assigned to my employment as a director.

Now it's coming up to pay and file time, what rate should I use to calculate my payment for my consultancy work? If I can avoid paying full rate and claiming it back in six months that would be nice.
To work out your 2009 prelim tax, if you estimate your total income will be below the SRCOP, use 20% income rate, but don't forget Prsi & Health levy on your consultancy income, and income levy at 1.67% too.