dilemma over offer



hi guys - i'm new to this so be gentle!

I recently went to view a flat in an area where I want to live.
I like the flat a lot - however it does need cosmetic improvement and
is only partially double glazed.
It is in a small locality on one of the nicer streets.
The vendor is asking for 75k for the property. This is affordable and I could get a mortgage for this.
However I've been research the sold prices of other properties in the area and these tend to have been sold for 55-60k on average.
I don't want to go in with a ridiculously low offer for fear off being too cheeky and risk loosing the property (its only been on market a week)
however I feel that 75k is a highly inflated figure than 55-60k
Any advice on how to approach this one?
would the other properties have the same no. of rooms etc or have less 'done' to them than this particular place your looking at. there should be a reason why this is some much higher than the others, as i don't think it would attract people if asking price was higher than avg for an area.
yeah most of the properties in the area are 2 bed lower n 3 bed upper flats. Some of the ones that have sold cheaper have been in bad states however some have been ok (i currently rent in the area)
The main reason for the cheap prices I think is that it's known as a "rough" area - however I've lived here for a long time with no problems
some of the "bad ones" needed replacement windows and cosmetic improvement where prev tennants hadnt been gentle on the property.
But some of the people I know had sold a flat on the same street which needed no work - ie fully dbl glazed, bathroom suite etc for the top end of the average 60k.
Just out of curiosity is there still property to be bought in Ireland at this price? Just wondering where?
Hi kimith84 You should try buying in Dublin You would have a heart attack at the prices. LOL