Dermot Desmond jeered in Dublin airport?


Registered User
Just heard a discussion on the radio this morning about a growing resentment in Ireland towards 'rich' people.
The interviewer mentioned that Dermot Desmond and his family were jeered by some people in Dublin aiport recently.
Does anyone know if this true? I didn't see anything in the papers or on the news about it.
If it is true, is it not more likely to have been due to his association with banking rather than simply 'being rich' ?
I'm sure it's been said on this site before, but this reminds me of something Bono said about American vs Irish attitudes to success.

Something along the lines of:

American guy: See that rich guy with the big house on the hill? One day, that's gonna be me.

Irish guy: See that rich guy with the big house on the hill? One day, I'm gonna get him.

I only heard the end of the piece on the radio, but apparently Larry Mullin gave an interview in one of the Sunday papers about how he has noticed this recent attitude toward wealthy people. From what I could make out he wasn't too bothered about himself but he mentioned this thing about Dermot Desmond being jeered and thought it was disgraceful given the money he has been responsible for brining into the country.
Well with the upcoming Redistribution of wealth that is needed to deal with our economy continuing to be in depression, the massive amount of unemployed, the massive amount of civil servants and the continuing effort to bail out builder and bankers I don’t think we are going to see very much jeering of rich people soon for a simple reason: There are no more “rich” people in Ireland left.
American guy: See that rich guy with the big house on the hill? One day, that's gonna be me.

Irish guy: See that rich guy with the big house on the hill? One day, I'm gonna get him.

Are you sure it's not "one day i'm gonna tax him".
what did they say in today's papers, 4000 people fell off the millionaire list?
We've actually got quite a small Civil Service compared to other countries, although I agree that resources are not always allocated in the most efficient way possible.

Maybe DublinTexas meant Public Servants?
We've actually got quite a small Civil Service compared to other countries
I've heard that many times. But I'm little wary of it as I don't think I've seen numbers to back it up. Some facts become "true" because they're repeated a lot.

Our civil service is most like the British model, who make do with slightly less. 488,000 for a population of 60m. And that's a country that maintains a relatively large foreign office and defense department. [broken link removed]

Comparing the civil service with other EU or OECD countries is monstrously difficult as the breakdown of public servant vs civil servant translates differently everywhere. A direct comparison might even be impossible. (Which for public servants throughout Europe is the ideal conclusion.)

As for Dermot Desmond I find it hard to believe he'd be widely recognized enough to be booed.

Around this time of year Dublin airport is often quite rowdy with drinkers waiting for delayed flights but maybe it was one slightly better informed person starting off a bunch of idiots who'd no idea who they were booing.
I've heard that many times. But I'm little wary of it as I don't think I've seen numbers to back it up. Some facts become "true" because they're repeated a lot

Actually, its in the recent OECD report, published after extensive research by experts in the field.
I've heard that many times. But I'm little wary of it as I don't think I've seen numbers to back it up. Some facts become "true" because they're repeated a lot.

The OECD’s Report Towards an Integrated Public Service, is extensive, running to nearly 375 pages. Among the key findings and recommendations set out in the Report are:
  • General government employment in Ireland is relatively low among OECD countries. It is significantly less that the level of public employment in Norway, Sweden, France, Finland and Belgium.
  • Ireland has the third smallest total public expenditure as a percentage of GDP, (third to Korea and Mexico), and this figure has decreased over the past ten years.
  • If the Public Service is to become more responsive to meeting citizens expectations and achieving broader societal objectives, the OECD recommends thinking about the Public Service as a more integrated 'system'.
  • The full potential of ICT and e-government is not being realised by public sector organisations for citizens.
  • Performance measures and initiatives need to be better aligned with the overarching outcomes and high-level societal goals, in order for the general public to understand the benefits of the Public Service.

Dermot Desmond and Larry Mullen got alot of money out of Ireland.
If I earned as much money as those guys did I would try and use it in the most tax efficient way too. If that involved an offshore aholding company (legal of course...)I would do it.

the flip side is, should we tell Microsoft to stop pumping the billions through it's Irish operation because of our low corporation taxes?