Dependant tax credit - Can you claim for children


Registered User
Can you confirm to me if you can claim the dependant tax credit for your children ? One of my friend told me that I should claim it but I thaught that in order to claim it the children have to be disabled which it is not the case with my children. I had a look at the revenue website but I find the explanation in regard with son or daughter not very clear, I try to ring the revenue but no answer.

Thanks in advance
Can you confirm to me if you can claim the dependant tax credit for your children ? One of my friend told me that I should claim it but I thaught that in order to claim it the children have to be disabled which it is not the case with my children.
She is wrong if she thinks that you can claim it just for having children and you are correct that this only applies in the case of disabled children. See here:
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Would the Home Carer's Tax Credit be relevant to your situation?

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Or the One Parent Family Tax Credit (see [broken link removed]) or SW One Parent Family Payment?
Hi samantha, you can claim a 'single parent tax credit' or at least that's what i think it's called, whereby you'll get less income tax taken from your wages. I claim it for my son and pay very little PAYE each week.