dem foreigners - but...


Registered User
Argument in a pub the other night about Ukranians "taking our houses".

They had no answer when I explained that 25 BILLION or about 30% of all tax taken in by the state comes from companies and that almost all of it is from profits earned in other countries.

The amount of money spent on assisting those feeling war and suppression for various countries is small in comparison to what we earn from other countries.

Maybe the government narrative should change and start merging information about the massive corp tax earned off profits companies make outside Irealand with the refugee assistance. It might soften people's cough when they realise that the €600 electricity credit, the additional fuel allowance and the very generous addition welfare payments were all made easy due to this huge influx of tax from profits made outside of Ireland.

Puts a better angle on it.

I think I changed the minds of four people in Kildare town :)
Argument in a pub the other night about Ukranians "taking our houses".
Such talk would have soured my pint and encouraged me to pursue a quiet one elsewhere... hopefully they do have a change in perspective after the "chat" but I suspect, another pint or two in them and all that sensible discussion from, you would be forgotten!
Such talk would have soured my pint and encouraged me to pursue a quiet one elsewhere... hopefully they do have a change in perspective after the "chat" but I suspect, another pint or two in them and all that sensible discussion from, you would be forgotten!
It was an adult conversation and they are fairly decent and educated people - just taken in by what was on social media. They didn't realise the walloping amount of tax we take from the profits of so many companies trading in other countries and it certainly put things in perspective.

And realising that the previous cheapness of bread, eggs, chicken and other farm/crop products is due to the low cost farming, feed production and fertiliser production in Ukraine. In a way they have been feeding us for decades - now its our turn to feed them