Deferred db scheme

Conan, you've been very good coming back to me. With regard to all of the this, it is the DB that I find the hardest to get comfortable with regardless of the rest of our financial situation. Up until a very short time ago, I was so happy with the DB pension and grateful for the guaranteed income. I suppose speaking to a Financial advisor, seeing 800000 written down, having the state pension paid on top of the 4% drawndown, instead of the DB reducing by the state pension amount and getting the higher tax free amount has caused me to stop and reassess. I don't want to be greedy but I don't want to be tunnel visioned either. I will take all the points above and consider them. Thank you again
It’s easy to get blinded by the telephone number transfer value

i set out the issues for consideration here

There are some strategies that you can consider and certainly worth getting a second opinion.