Deducting expenses when calculating tax?

Joe Nonety

Registered User
Let's say I had $1500 in stock options.
Let's say the exchange rate was such that this was worth €1100.
Given €20 in broker fees and €80 in currency exchange differential, I end up making €1000.
I'm liable for 43% tax on this (41% plus 2% levy).
My question is how do I deduct the broker fee and currency exchange expenses?
I've come up with 4 possible options for calculating how much tax is to be paid - which is right, if any?
(.43 x €1100) - (€100)
(.43 x €1000) - (€100)
(.43 x €1100) - (€100 x .43)
(.43 x €1000) - (€100 x .43)