Decentralisation - so it was all a dream then ?



It appears that Charlie McCreevey forgot to do *any* sums before coming up with his "let's move the entire civil service to distant parts of the country and adopt a model totally at variance with the established *central* government practices of the entire rest of the world" scheme.

How dumb is this ?

How much money has been wasted by the various agencies doing advance prep work on this ?

I agree that decentralisation can have a valid role in aiding the development of other parts of the country, but this is most likely to happen when done in conjunction with the recommendations of the National Spatial Strategy. I guess the strategy wasn't developed by Charlies gang so he decided to ignore it and focus on his own set of towns.

It just beggars belief that he (what with being finance minister and all at the time) didn't have to produce any meaningful figures which would indicate the likely cost and benefit of his proposals - he could just launch the scheme,cause untold turmoil for those involved and then just have the scheme scaled back significantly when someone realised how ridiculous his proposals were.

You have summed it up quite well Zag.
Apparently Charlie will be shipped off to Europe next and be gone for a few years only to emerge from the shower one day and find that it was indeed "all a dream".

It was a really stupid half baked idea that was never going to fly. The thing that really got me at the time was that i thought that the national spatial strategy was a great idea and this would have killed it.
'twas just another policital stroke - It is no coincidence that Laois/Offaly (Parlon/Cowan) are among the first decentralisations that will proceed under the shrunken plan.
It made perfect sense in the minds of the present Fianna Fail....thats whats so frightening!...and not a dissenting FF voice.
There was an election to be won and no cost to the country was too great.
There must be a lot of turning in graves of many fine men and women who devoted their lives to the republican cause.
There was an election to be won and no cost to the country was too great.

Fortunately It didn't work out in the Local and European Elections. There's hope for us all yet, the voters have for once seen through the political stroke.

Keep your eye's peeled though, there are many more strokes along the way as we get closer to the "Real" election.

Incidently if you live in or near one of the Towns that they promised jobs to, let them know when they come knocking for your vote, that you'll deliver the vote when they deliver on their promise.
