Debt and Money Management Advice in UK. Is there an AAM equivalent in the UK?


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My father lives in the UK and has got himself into a terrible pickle with regard to debt. He's nearly 70, thankfully still in employment but with an unsustainable mortgage. He only has about £20k equity in his home (which I suppose is better than being in negative equity) and although I have to find out more about the terms of his mortgage and the extent of his commitments I know he is very worried and is going to face big problems within the next few years. Unfortunately he has never been great with money and things are now beginning to crowd in on him as he approaches retirement.

He is very proud but he has agreed to let me help him, but I am having to approach this very carefully. I don't have much extra income myself to give him, and no siblings who can assist so I want to try to organise some good independent, unbiased financial advice for him as a starting point.

I am going to contact his local Citizens Advice Bureau and the Consumer Credit Counselling Service and persuade him to go in to see them, but I am concerned that if I contact them and they are too busy to help or only give him off-the-shelf advice I will have used up one of my only chances to get him to seriously face up to his problems.

So as a good back up I was hoping to consult a UK equivalent of the Ask About Money website. Can anyone recommend a good site?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
