Debit or credit card for travel purchases?


Registered User
With everything that has happened in the last year with COVID, is it better to make travel-related purchases ( Flights, accommodation, tours) on a debit card or credit card? Is there better protection with one or the other if there are disruptions?

Obviously the CC allows you to put off paying large chunks of money for a fee...
Your consumer rights are protected regardless of how you pay but travel insurance would be prudent.
Some CCs come with travel insurance so if there's a 'disruption' while you're travelling you might have some extra cover.
I would suggest having both, or at least a fall-back.
My CC was locked out on the first day of travel through France (issue with petrol pump). Luckily it was a joint account and my wife had a card as well. We were able to use that for that rest of the trip (I felt like a kept man ). Had she not had that, we would have been badly stuck.
Other option is having a physical card, and Revolut on your phone as a fall back.