DEASP amounts for 2018 changed in Form 11 return


Registered User
We got a Notice of Assessment from the Revenue revising our Income Tax return for 2018

They reduced the declared amount of pension received by my wife in 2018 by one week worth and repaid the tax we had already paid - Thank you.

When I queried it, they said that the amount was amended to correspond to the amount declared by the DEASP.

What is strange, is that my pension payment was not changed but only my wife's.

We both got paid twice the normal amount on 21st Dec 2018 to cover the two weeks, the next payment being received on 4th Jan 2019

When I check the amounts on the DEASP site, they agree with what I returned in our Form 11 and not with what the Revenue corrected it to - all very strange

Can anyone throw any light?