De-registering my VAT number


Registered User
I have a small sole trader business that has been regularly in a vat refund position and I am now looking to de-register from vat.

Can I simply deactivate my vat number or is there anything I need to be mindful of?
Are you winding up the business or just going to trade under the threshold levels.
If the cumulative VAT refund amounts are significant in the eyes of the Revenue then you can't discount an audit, not just for VAT.
Hi, I wish to continue to trade under the threshold levels. VAT refunds have been approximately 10 - 12k in total. Would those type of figures warrant an audit?
Hi, I wish to continue to trade under the threshold levels. VAT refunds have been approximately 10 - 12k in total. Would those type of figures warrant an audit?

It depends on a lot of things but if your paper work is squeaky clean and was not a scam then what is there to worry about?
Is the nature of the business changing?