dazed and confused


moss jj

please bear with me!
i am in a lucky position to have 0 debts, have 20k invested in med - high risk business and similar amount in lowish risk property fund. have recently opened a rabo direct savings account.
my question is this, i would like to invest regularly and get sound INDEPENDENT advice.

how do i go about identifying a reliable financial advisor ? i really do not have an idea as to where i should look!
You need an AA (authorised advisor) with access to the entire market of investments. They should be impartial - ANyone else is restricted to the companies they do business with. If you have an accountant they might help or put you in touch with one. All you have to ask is " are you an authorised advisor?" You can pay a fee for there advice which might be better than no fee and commission in terms of impartiality.