Data Protection and CCTV


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My neighbour has a number of CCTV cameras attached to his house, one of which points directly into the rear of our house and is very intrusive. Long story short, it's being done deliberately to intimidate. From my limited knowledge of GDPR, I would think that my neighbour constitute a data manager and I'm pretty sure that the images being captured are a breach of reasonable privacy.

Beyond that, I'm not sure what my rights are? Am I only entitled to copies of the images being captured or can I insist or the cameras being removed?

From the DPC website, it would seem that he would need to have a legal basis for capturing the data. But how can that be established?
Why are you only looking at GDPR, as you say it's being done to intimidate?

Constant recording of your property can constitute harassment. There have been successful criminal convictions here, but they tend to be extreme cases.
My sister and her other half had a neighbour that was always looking into their garden, so he just built up a wall, might this be an option for you?
Why is it intimidating?
I certainly think it's rude, ignorant and selfish but if it was me I'd be spending time naked in the garden. Nobody would want to see that!
If it's being done deliberately to intimidate, then going down the gdpr etc. route is a waste of time. It will be a long, drawn out process, they will possibly enjoy the grief and stress it puts you under, and in the end, even if you win, they will find some other way to intimidate you/make your life miserable. That is taking it that you are correct in your assumption of intimidation.

Sorry to be so negative, but all the threads on this site, and others, point to this being the most likely outcome. If they actually are out to make your life difficult, then they will find a way.

I say this with the best of intentions. I hate seeing someone embark on a course of action that has very little chance of success. Inferring from your first post, you are spending a lot of time and energy reading about gdpr etc. with a view of challenging them along those lines.

They are already taking up rent-free space in your head. I'd assume the opposite isn't true.

And no, I don't have an answer as to what you can actually do. But suggested action is either you commit to escalating it to their level, and beyond, or you start looking at houses.
My neighbour has a number of CCTV cameras attached to his house, one of which points directly into the rear of our house and is very intrusive
Ignoring GDPR - Is pointing a camera at someones house and possibly / probably recording legal?