dоеs mоnеу nееd tо bе іn а bank ассоunt fоr thе ассоunt tо rеmаіn ореn?


Registered User
Му frіеnd tоld mе уоu nееd tо kеер mоnеу іn уоur ассоunt tо рrеvеnt thе bаnk frоm сlоsіng іt, іs thіs truе? Іf sо, whаt's thе mіnіmum аmоunt thаt nееds tо bе іn thе ассоunt, 1с?
Its €10 in my credit union. Ask your bank for clarity if you wish to keep it open? Some accounts charge a monthly fee even if there is no activity which may give you an unwanted overdraft
It depends on the bank and the account type.
Some banks routinely close inactive current accounts where there isn't enough balance to pay quarterly charges.
If there are transactions going through the account though, it won't be closed.
A lot of demand deposit accounts have a condition that there's a minimum balance, although it's usually 1 euro.
It is usually the date of the last transaction that might determine when an account is closed not so much the balance. Back in the day we had Petty Accounts and Dormant Accounts. If an account remained inactive for a long period it would be designated one of these. Better to keep some sort of balance in the account and if going behind bars for a few years get someone to throw the odd fiver in it.