Cycle to work scheme query


Registered User

Does anyone know if it's allowable under this scheme for one to buy a frame and all the parts required for a complete bike through a bike shop and to have the bike shop build up the bike? Or does it need to be a complete (i.e off the peg bike) to qualify under the scheme? I have read the Revenue guide about this and there's nothing that explicitly allows or disallows this.

I don't think there is anything in the rules about this. If they are selling you a bike, I guess it doesn't really matter how they came up with the bike. The maximum eligible for tax relief is €1000.
No is the short answer

[broken link removed]

Not much point in posting an 8 page thread where the OP (and everyone else) has to trawl through it to try and find the answer.

My view is that the OPs plan would work and is within the spirit of the scheme - as long as one invoice is issued to the employer what's the difference?