Crystal Swing on Late late


Registered User
Anyone see them? When they started I cringed. But have to say, they were brill. The young fella was like an elastic band and great to see young people with a get up and go attitude. Don't like country music at all but would love to see these guys perform!!
I cringed at first and quickly got into the 'swing' of things

Fair play to them, very funny to see young people into the "showbands", im not a fan myself, I actually cant stand that kind of music but they bring a bit of fun into it

Jedward watch your backs
I just think fair play to them, the son is quite the showman.

Not my kind of music but anything that means I don't have to listen to whinging unionists, paedophile priests and bank related depression is a bonus for me!
"Would you sing The Hucklebuck for us?"

"I'd be honoured, Ryan, honoured!"

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You have to admire their nerve and enthusiasm, the rapper/hip hop style and attitude would annoy me far more than this crowd, good luck to them!
Classic! Definitely reminiscent of Partridge!

Haven't been so amused by the Late Late since John Joe the horologist was on the toy show!

I can see it now, John joe and the Swingers - the timing would be amazing
Fair play to them, at least theyre getting up off their backsides and doing something that they seem to enjoy and that plenty of people will love. Wouldnt be into it myself, but each to their own.
Fair play to them, at least theyre getting up off their backsides and doing something that they seem to enjoy and that plenty of people will love.

You could say the same thing about lynch mobs or white supremisists but there are certain things from which society should be protected.