credit rating

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Hi all,

I was just looking for some advice on credit checks. Myself and my partner are from the north and are currently living/buying in dublin. We both have student loans with a english based company (standard for NI students)which we have defered payment on until we earn an acceptable amount. (which is totally fine). Also both had a small (€200 each) ovedrafts which we lost track of but have now paid back in full. Would any of these register in a credit check for a mortgage. Thanks
also should have mentioned the overdrafts where taken out in the north with a northern address.
They won't register on the Irish Credit Bureau but the lender will be within it rights to run a credit check on you in the UK where presumably the loan will show up.
I have a student loan with the SLC in the UK. I have only ever made 2 repayments in the last 5 years because I wasn't earning enough to make repayments. I bought a house earlier this year in Dublin and the issue of my loan didnt arise with the lender.
brilliant, thanks for the advice. Do the bank need to check the credit rating of my gaurantor too? She hasn't a bad one, i was just wondering? Also what about the small overdrafts, will that show up or will the bank use common sense and realise that it was only €200?
have a student loan with the SLC in the UK. I have only ever made 2 repayments in the last 5 years because I wasn't earning enough to make repayments. I bought a house earlier this year in Dublin and the issue of my loan didnt arise with the lender.

I would'nt take this example as a given that lenders will not run a UK credit check, the majority of them do.