credit post bankruptcy


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hello all
its my first time posting here so here goes, I was discharged from bankruptcy in 2014, in the UK and I have been working in Ireland since then in a self employed capacity. I have two years audited accounts and thankfully things are going in the right direction. I am looking to grow my business, however my bank is averse to offering me even meagre amounts of credit such as a small overdraft or credit card with minimum limit.
I have to say it's disheartening when you put your heart and soul into something and you get knocked back by banks who cannot see the bigger picture.
I am not looking to borrow millions or anything near that but being self employed, having a credit line is essential.
any tips on rebuilding my credit rating would be much appreciated
Hi ng11ap, don't worry about the UK bankruptcy. But if you are asked on an application form, or verbally, "have you ever been bankrupt?", you should answer truthfully. Just don't volunteer the information. The real problem is that you only have two years of audited accounts. Most lenders require three years of audited accounts before even considering a credit line. To get the ball rolling it might be worth building up a relationship with your local credit union. Save regularly, take out a small loan, one that is secured on your "shares", pay it back, and then try for a larger one. PermanentTSB might then become a possibility for a Visa credit card.
don,t be disheartened.
Think about it from a Banks view.
1. new businesses have a high failure rate = risky.
2. (meagre amount of credit) = not so , because add up all the (meagre amounts of credit) and soon the Bank has risked a lot of money.
3. Be (cold) about your own case and ask yourself , would you lend you money ? If the answer is yes then keep working hard because you have succeeded in spite of no credit line .
Rebuild credit rating.
1. you have a clear credit rating , bankruptcy is over.Now work on getting it to a good rating..
2. ensure your account stays in good order, any unpaid etc will put you back.
3. consider changing bank , take your audited figures and where you see the business going to another bank . if you are knocked back = no harm.

Any (sensible) banker will take a reasoned view on future prospects of your business.
Any (sensible) banker will be inclined to view things from a downfall , not a success view .

And , Good Luck.
1. you have a clear credit rating , bankruptcy is over.Now work on getting it to a good rating..

Some clarity on the above please? I thought your 'credit rating' pre-rbankruptcy - carries on after bankruptcy for 6 years or so.

I.e. If a creditor looked at your ICB report on the day of discharge - they would see that bankruptcy cleared monies owed - and so this info would remain there for six years.

Am I misreading your point?
Sorry about lack of clarity.
On bankruptcy = all debt gone , but ICB can still linger,for as you say 6 years.
Suggest wait couple of months and call for your ICB report (can do it on-line)
You will then have clarity over the ICB part.

But , since you are post bankruptcy , you have a (new) credit situation, unencumbered by old debts.
If you keep a clean pair of heels for a couple of years , show good statements etc , you will get credit .