Credit History with ICB



I have a bank loan out which I will be finished in January after 5 years, the thing is I missed alot of payments on this loan due to me not having a permanent job for about a year, but when I would receive a letter from them stating that I missed a payment I would send a bank draft to them to cover what I owed them.

My Question is do banks and credit card companies have to inform you that they are sending your details to the ICB or can they just go ahead and do it without you knowing so when you go for another loan and are refused this is when you find out???
> My Question is do banks and credit card companies have to inform you that they are sending your details to the ICB or can they just go ahead and do it

They don't inform you and I think that most or all of them send the details on automatically.

> when you go for another loan and are refused this is when you find out???

For €6 you can get a copy of your own personal ICB records if that's any use to you?