credit card payment via internet



I am planning a new business that will generally be paid with credit cards via the web site or over the phone when I eventually setup the web page up what is the best way to do this need help or will have to re think business payments
Re: credit car payment via internet

If you use PayPal or Realex (which requires you open a merchent account with your banks) you can process Credit Card payments online without much fuss.

There is a book on Amazon called PayPal Hacks which give a lot of good info on setting up a PayPal account.

With Realex you also get an "Online terminal" so you can also process transactions over the phone without renting a real terminal.

You should be aware of the extra risk of fraud when you accept credit card payments.

We used PayPal for a year, but we then moved to Realex as we found it better overall.
Re: credit car payment via internet

Getting a merchant account for e-commerce ventures in Ireland is worse than pulling teeth. The 2 major banks are absolutely stone age on this and will almost definitely refuse - and they never give a reason for refusing despite putting you through hoops on the application process - so much for their blurb on supporting new business!.
Suggest you search for merchant account providers in google UK and you are likely to get more support there - only issue with using a UK merchant account provider is you will be unable to accept laser cards.
Paypal is obviously the easiest to start with.