Credit Card Advice

I was in debt to the tune of 5k sterling at age 19!! Luckily I had a very understanding Grandad - no, he didn't pay it for me!! - he rang card company and got them to agree to freeze the interest for 12 months. Most of the major lenders would rather that you paid anything than nothing. With a lot of severe budgetting I cleared nearly £4000 in the 12 months, (not bad for a smoking, drinkin teen on minimum wage!) and the company was so impressed by my efforts to repay that they froze the interest until it was cleared. Ask them - the worst thing they can say is no.

Talking of freezing - my friend puts her card in a bowl of water in the freezer - so then she REALLY has to think about using it - worth a go!!

I'd try and settle the smaller card first, (while continuing to pay the big one) as you would feel a great sense of achievement when it was cleared. The cash freed up by that one then goes onto the big one - even if you only pay €20 on top of the minimum payment each month - it all adds up and suddenly you'll feel like there's light at the end of the tunnel!!

Best of luck