Creative Zen 8Gb and Memory cards 4Gb




Purchased aforementioned player and have tried to use a memory card with no success. I believe i have inserted it correctly but there's notjhing to usggest it's in there let alone working/not working. When i connect to a PC, or try to save music - again no indication that anything is happening.

My player is almost full at 8Gb so i need the card.

Any suggestions ?
Do you have an SD card reader?? If so, connect it to the computer and transfer a few files onto the card. Then put the card into the Creative.

Alternatively get another SD Card and check with the MP3 player. Either your current SD card or the player is possibly faulty...
as far as i know..the internal memory and external memory are seperate..and don't join together.Have you checked through the menue to access the sd card?
Kada_fd is right.
I have a similar setup. The SD card is usually at the very bottom of my menu. So any files on it will not be in with the main bulk that are on the Zen's own internal memory.